Post :Staff Nurse
Vacancy : 09
Age : 20 to 40 years
Pay Scale :Rs 44900/
Qualification : Certificate as registered Nurse and Mid-Wife having passed 03 years course in General Nursing and Midwifery from a school of Nursing (or) other institution recognized by the Indian Nursing Council (or) B.SC (Nursing).
Note: the Indian Nursing Council has also laid down certain special concession for above course in respect of Auxiliary Nurse- Midwife, Midwives and B grade Nurses by way of reduced course period etc. The candidates obtaining the qualification prescribed above under this concession will also be eligible for recruitment
Age : 20 to 40 years
Pay Scale :Rs 44900/
Note: the Indian Nursing Council has also laid down certain special concession for above course in respect of Auxiliary Nurse- Midwife, Midwives and B grade Nurses by way of reduced course period etc. The candidates obtaining the qualification prescribed above under this concession will also be eligible for recruitment
Last date for submission of application : 05 May 2020