Staff Nurse jobs Railway

Western Railway
Advt. No.:  E/MD/890/9/Para Medical/Contract Date: 28.04.2020
Invites applications for the post of Staff Nurse

Post :Staff Nurse

Vacancy : 09

Age : 20 to 40 years

Pay Scale :Rs 44900/

Qualification : Certificate as registered Nurse and Mid-Wife having passed 03 years course in General Nursing and Midwifery from a school of Nursing (or) other institution recognized by the Indian Nursing Council (or) B.SC (Nursing).
Note: the Indian Nursing Council has also laid down certain special concession for above course in respect of Auxiliary Nurse- Midwife, Midwives and B grade Nurses by way of reduced course period etc. The candidates obtaining the qualification prescribed above under this concession will also be eligible for recruitment

How to Apply:The eligible and willing candidates should apply through Email Id i.e.
apomechbrc@gmail .com up to 18.00 hrs on 05.05.2020 along with the self attested

Note :The selected candidates will be engaged on contract terms for a period for 3 month or over
and above the vacancy as per local requirement which can be renewed/extended as per railway
board's further order extension of validity of the scheme for contractual appointment of
paramedical staff by Railway Board or till the vacant posts are filled up by RRB candidate
whichever is earlier. The engagement of the above candidates is a stop gap arrangement and will
not count as service.
1. The engagement of contract shall not confer on selected candidates any right for regularization or absorption in the post.
2. No private practice or any other employment will be permitted during the subsistence of the contract period.
3. At the time of interview and entering into contract, the selected candidate shall produce original certificates for proof of his/her date of birth and educational and technical qualification.
4. The candidate belonging to SC/ST/OBC community should bring along with him/her original community (SC/ST/OBC) certificate issued by competent authority in prescribed form of Govt. of India
5. The contract shall be liable to be terminated by giving two weeks notice by either side without assigning any reason or if the contract practitioner is mentally/ physically incapacitated.
6. Retired Government Para Medical Staff on Contract Basis :- Retired Railway Employee or State Government / Central Government Employees from Para Medical Field/Department upto the age of 65 years can also apply for the above Para Medical Group-C Categories.
They will be paid monthly remuneration as per extant rules.
The Railway administration reserve the right to deploy the candidates any where depending upon the exigency of service. Refusal or otherwise on the part of the selected candidate shall be deemed to be misconduct.

Last date for submission of application : 05 May 2020

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