NIMHANS Nursing and other Job Opportunities
The National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences
Government of India
Invites applications for the post of Technical Assistant - Laboratory and Junior Nurse
Invites applications for the post of Technical Assistant - Laboratory and Junior Nurse
Technical Assistant - Laboratory and Junior Nurse job description:
The National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences has advertised an official notification for the posts of Technical Assistant and Junior Nurse for 02 vacancies. They are accepting application forms with the qualification of a B.Sc, DMLT, and GNM. Candidates can apply by sending the application form to the email address to apply for the NIMHANS Recruitment for 2024. Candidates need to apply on or before the last date of the application.
Post:Technical Assistant - Laboratory and Junior Nurse
Vacancy :Technical Assistant - Laboratory 01
Junior Nurse 01
Age :Technical Assistant - Laboratory 50 years
Junior Nurse 35 years
Pay scale :Technical Assistant - Laboratory Rs.31,000/- per month (Consolidated) Junior Nurse Rs.18,000/- per month (Consolidated)
Technical Assistant - Laboratory and Junior Nurse Qualification & experience :Technical Assistant - Laboratory : BSc / DMLT Experience : Epidemiological studies: sampling, record keeping Junior Nurse : MPHW / GNMExperience : Prior field experience in epidemiological studies
Technical Assistant - Laboratory : BSc / DMLT
Experience : Epidemiological studies: sampling, record keeping
Junior Nurse : MPHW / GNM
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