NPCIL 89 Nursing and other Job Opportunities Apply Online

NPCIL 89 Nursing and other Job Opportunities Apply Online

Nuclear Power Corporation India Ltd (NPCIL)
A Government of India Enterprise
Invites Application For the Following Vacancy
published by


1. Nurse - A Nurse A Nursing 
2. Stipendiary Trainee/ Scientific Assistant (ST/SA) (Cat-I) Mechanical SA/ST CAT-I Mechanical 
3. Stipendiary Trainee/ Scientific Assistant (ST/SA) (Cat-I) Electrical SA/ST CAT-I Electrical 
4. Stipendiary Trainee/ Scientific Assistant (ST/SA) (Cat-I) Electronics SA/ST CAT-I Electronics 
5. Pharmacist - B Pharmacist/B Pharmacist 6. Operation Theatre Assistant (Technician-B) Technician/B Operation Theater Asst 

7. Stipendiary Trainee /Technician (ST/TN) Cat-II) Fitter ST/TM CAT-II Fitter 
8. Stipendiary Trainee /Technician (ST/TN) Cat-II) Electrician ST/TM CAT-II Electrician 
9. Stipendiary Trainee /Technician (ST/TN) Cat-II) Instrumentation ST/TM CAT-II Instrumentation 
10. Assistant Grade-1 (HR) Assistant Grade.1 HR 
11. Assistant Grade-1 (F&A) Assistant Grade.1 Finance 
12. Assistant Grade-1 (C&MM) Assistant Grade.1 CMM 
13. Steno Grade-1 Steno Grade.1 Steno

Total Vacancy: 89

Educational Qualification required for Nurse:

एचएससी (10+2) एवंनजसिंग तथा जमडवािरी मेंजडप ्लोमा (तीन वषीय पाठ्यक्रम) + कें द्र/राि ्य नजसिंग पररषद का नसक के रूप मेंएक वैध पंिीकरण होना चाजहए। XII Standard and Diploma in Nursing & Midwifery (3 years course) + Valid Registration as Nurse from Central/State Nursing Council in India. अथवा OR बीएससी (नजसिंग) B.Sc. (Nursing) अथवा OR नजसिंग में‘ए’ सजटकजिके ट के साथ जकसी जचजकत ्सालय मेंकाम करनेका तीन वषकका अनुभव Nursing ‘A’ Certificate with 3 years’ experience in Hospital अथवा OR सशस्त्र सेना सेनजसिंग सहायक श्रेणी-III एवंउससेऊपर Nursing Assistant Class III & above from Armed Forces नोट Note: जिन अभ्यजथकयोंनेनजसिंग मेंजडग्री प्राप्त की हैउनको दो अजतररक्त इंक्रीमेंट जदया िा सकता है। Candidates possessing degree in Nursing may be considered for awarding of two additional increments.

Nurse Pay Scale:

Initial Pay of ` 44,900/- in level 7 of Revised Pay Structure (Pay Matrix) under CCS (RP) Rules, 2016. 
NPCIL 89 Nursing and other Job Opportunities Apply Online

Important Dates

  • Starting Date For Apply Online: 13-12-2022 (From 10:00 Hrs)

  • Closing Date For Apply Online: 06-01-2023 (Till 16:00 Hrs)  

Important Links
