NHM Community Health Officer-CHO Exam Preparation Tough Questions
National Health Mission recruiting Community Health Officers Every year in many states of India, the candidates who are applied and ready to apply for the CHO VAcancies are asking for previous question papers of CHO exam, In most of the states CHO exam is conducted online, so candidates are not getting the copy of the question paper. Here we published some tough questions may be asked in CHO exam. You can find list of Nursing Exam Questions in our website www.nursingwork.in Many more questions available at other websites may also be linked here for your convenience
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Question No. 1 The towel bath is administered by the specialist when a patient is sick or confined to:
a. The hospital room.b. Bed.
c. Ward.
d. The general hospital area.
Answer: b. Bed.
Question No. 2.Pierre Curie shared the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics with his wife, Marie Curie, and Henri Becquerel for their discoveries related to _______.
1. radioactivity
2. X-rays
3. mirror images
4. thermodynamics
Answer: 1. radioactivity
Question No. 3.Peripheral sinonasal T-cell lymphoma is known as
A:-Stewart's granuloma
B:-Wegners granuloma
C:-Ringerts tumor
D:-None of the above
Answer: A:-Stewart's granuloma
Question No. 4. _________ received the very first Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901 for his discovery of X-rays.
1. Wilhelm Röntgen
2. William Thomson
3. William Crookes
4. Louis Pasteur
Answer: 1. Wilhelm Röntgen
Question No. 5. The following statements in relation to right ventricular myocardial infarctionare correct except:
(a) It may occur along with inferior wall myocardial infarction
(b) The ECG shows segment elevation in right precordial leads
(c) Prognosis in right ventricular infarction is worse than the left ventricular myocardial infarction
(d) The treatment includes intravenous diltiazem
Question No. 6. Specimens of urine that are not taken directly to the laboratory are usually:
a. Refrigerated.
b. Discarded.
c. Sealed in a sterile container.
d. Shaken up.
Answer: a. Refrigerated.
Question No. 7. Electron was discovered in the year 1897 by _________.
1. Nicola Tesla
2. Isaac Newton
3. T. A. Edison
4. J J Thomson
Answer: 4. J J Thomson
Question No. 8. -Ortner's syndrome is associated with
A:-Facial N paralysis
B:-Recurrent laryngeal N paralysis
C:-Abducent N paralysis
D:-Hypoglossal N paralysis
Answer: B:-Recurrent laryngeal N paralysis
Question No. 9. Which of the following statements is true regarding juvenile chronic myeloid leukemia?
(a) Philadelphia chromosome is negative.
(b) Thrombocytopaenia is uncommon.
(c) The prognosis is better than the adult form of chronic myeloid leukemia.
(d) Single agent chemotherapy with busulfan or hydroxyurea can achieve remission.
Question No. 10 William Crookes was a physical chemist who discovered and named the element ________.
2. germanium
3. beryllium
4. thallium
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