Staff nurse exam questions and answers

Staff nurse exam questions and answers -25 Questions

Staff nurse exam questions and answers- Part 1

1.    In communication process, response from receiver to sender is called
(a)    Message    (b)    Encoding
(c)    Feedback    (d)    Context

2.    The advantages of bulletin board are all except
(a)    Effective    for    displaying    textual    and pictorial materials
(b)    Explain important events
(c)    Highlight important information to large groups
(d)    Serves as introduction to a particular topic

3.    Which method of teaching is alternative to the lecture method?
(a)    Group discussion (b)    Symposium
(c)    Panel discussion  (d)    Demonstration

4.    The limitations of demonstration method of teaching are all except
(a)    Needs special skills for some procedures
(b)    Helps theory and practice correlation
(c)    Not useful if students are inattentive
(d)    Students may blindly follow the lab manual

5.    To clarify concepts to students the teacher must use
(a)    Lesson plan    (b)    Teaching aids
(c)    Unit plan    (d)    Curriculum

Answers for the Above Question No. 1 to 5

1    C  
2    A 
3    D  
4    D
5    B  

Staff nurse exam questions and answers- Part 2

6.    Which is the immunoglobulin that medicates hypersensitivity reactions
(a)    Ig A    (b)    Ig G
(c)   Ig M    (d)    Ig E

7.    Crackles heard on long auscultation indicate which of the following
(a)    Fluid filled alveoli
(b)    Cyanosis
(c)    Bronchospasm
(d)    Airway narrowing

8.    Which one is a bacteriostatic drug among the first line medications used to treat TB?
(a)    INH    (b)    Rifampicin
(c)    Ethambutol    (d)    Pyrazinamide

9.    Side effect of pyrazinamide include all the following except
(a)    Optic neuritis
(b)    Thrombocytopenia
(c)    Phosensitivity
(d)    Increased uric acid levels

10.    An approximation of the average pressure in the systemic circulation throughout the cardiac cycle is termed as
(a)    Pulse pressure
(b)    Mean arterial pressure
(c)    Paradoxical blood pressure
(d)    Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure

Answers for the Above Question No. 6 to 10

6    D
7    A
8    C
9    A
10    B

Staff nurse exam questions and answers- Part 3

11.    In administration, principle of division of work is essential because
(a)    Workers do not like interference
(b)    It provides job satisfaction
(c)    Administrator cannot do all the work by himself
(d)    It prevents overlapping of work

12.    Span of control stands for
(a)    Rule of control from higher to lower
(b)    Number of subordinates an officer can effectively supervise
(c)    Total    number    of    supervisors    in    an organization
(d)    Delegation of power

13.    In    a general ward, the ratio of nurse and patient should be
(a)    1 : 3    (b)    1 : 10
(c)    1 : 6    (d)    1 : 7

14.    Student-Teacher ratio in a GNM school as per INC norms is
(a)    1 : 7    (b)    1 : 15
(c)    1 : 10    (d)    1 : 20

15.    Job responsibilities of an ANM are all except
(a)    Distribute iron and folic acid to women
(b)    Home visits
(c)    Conducting MTP independently
(d)    Training Dai

Answers for the Above Question No.11 to 15

11    D 
12    B 
13    C 
14    C  
15    C  

Staff nurse exam questions and answers- Part 4

16.    Gradual nerve degeneration associated with aging which results in hearing loss, is known as
(a)    Cycloplegia    (b)    Hyperopia
(c)    Miosis    (d)    Presbycusis

17.    A nurse is planning care for a client who is posted for cataract surgery. What type of eye drop is expected by her in the prescription before surgery?
(a)    A miotic agent
(b)    A thiazide diuretic
(c)    An osmotic diuretic
(d)    A mydriatic agent

18.    Which of the following is not a symptom of meniere’s disease?
(a)    Tinnitus
(b)    Unilateral sensorineural hearing loss
(c)    Unilateral conductive hearing loss
(d)    Vertigo

19.    The nurse is positioning a client with increased intracranial pressure. Which of the following should be avoided?
(a)    Head midline
(b)    Head turned to the side
(c)    Neck in neutral position
(d)    Head of the bed elevated to 30 degree

20.    The nurse is caring for a client with GBS with ascending paralysis to the level of waist. What should the nurse keep ready as she knows its complications in her nursing station?
(a)    Nebuliser and pulse oximeter
(b)    Blood pressure cuff and flash light
(c)    Incentive spirometer
(d)    ECG monitoring machines and intubation tray

Answers for the Above Question No. 16 to 20

16    D
17    D
18    C
19    B
20    D

Staff nurse exam questions and answers- Part 5

21.    WHO    definition    of    health    includes    all dimensions except
(a)    Physical well-being
(b)    Social well-being
(c)    Mental well-being
(d)    Occupational well-being

22.    Non-communicable diseases causation is best explained by
(a)    Supernatural theory of disease
(b)    Empirical theory of disease
(c)    Multifactorial theory of disease causation
(d)    Theory of relationship between disease and causative agents

23.    VDRL test is done for diagnosis of
(a)    Tuberculosis    (b)    Diphtheria
(c)    Syphilis    (d)    Typhoid

24.    How much water can be disinfected with a tablet of 0.5 gm chlorine?
(a)    5 litres    (b)    10 litres
(c)    15 litres    (d)    20 litres

25.    Mantoux test is used for screening of
(a)    AIDS    (b)    Malaria
(c)    Tuberculosis    (d)    Hepatitis

Answers for the Above Question No. 21 to 25

21    D 
22    C
23    C
24    D 
25    C 

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Staff nurse exam questions and answers
