Community Health Officer/ Mid Level Health Provider jobs- Uttarakhand Health & Family Welfare Society

Uttarakhand Health & Family Welfare Society
Advt. No. : 1007/NHMUK/HR/2020-21/313
Invites applications for the post of Community Health Officer/ Mid Level Health Provider

Post :Community Health Officer/ Mid Level Health Provider

Vacancy : 300

Age: 35 years

Pay scale :Rs. 25000/-

Qualification & experience:Passed GNM/ B. Sc. (Nursing) from any recognized institution/ university and Registered with any Nursing Council in India.

Selection Process : Selection will be based on Merit.

Note : 1. The candidates will be called to be present personally on the day of Counseling for depositing the Surety Bond and the Demand Draft of Rs 1,03,400/- on the basis of merit list as per schedule which will be uploaded on the website. 2. The Provisional Merit List prepared on the basis of filled online application form will be uploaded within 07 days after the last date of submission of online form on the website only.. The schedule to call candidates for personal presence to submit the required documents including the Surety Bond and the Demand Draft of Rs 1,03,400/-. Demand draft is to be prepared in the favour of “UKHFWS-RCH FLEXIPOOL” payable at Dehradun. The course fee of IGNOU will be paid by National Health Mission, Uttarakhand. 3. After passing the Term End Examination of IGNOU, successful candidates will be alloted district for posting as MLHP/ CHO on the basis of Merit List given by IGNOU on/ before the date of counselling for allotment of district and the order of preference for choice of district to be given by candidate. After allotment of district, District Health Society will give posting in Health & Wellness Centres on the basis of District wise Merit List. 4. Successful Candidate posted as MLHP/ CHO has to give services initially in continuity for minimum 03 years, from the date of joining as MLHP/ CHO in district/ Health & Wellness Centre failing which the amount of Rs 1,03,400/- will be forfeited by the Society/ NHM, Uttarakhand. 5. After joining as MLHP/CHO in HWC, the fixed consolidated remuneration will be Rs 25,000/- per month plus variable performance based incentive maximum up to Rs 15,000/- per month. The employment will be purely contractual under National Health Mission, Uttarakhand. 6. To avoid any unpredictable/ unforeseen issues/ problems with the portal, candidates are advised to fill the Online Application Form well before time. NHM will not carry any responsibility of delays for such cases.

Last Date For Submission of Online Application 17 August 2020

Click here for apply online

Click here for official notification 
