(An Autonomous Organization under Ministry of HRD)
Department of School Education and Literacy),
Government of India
B-15, Institutional Area, Sector-62, Noida, District Gautam Budh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh - 201 309
Invites applications for the post of Staff Nurse;
Published @
No.of Vacancies: 58
Pay Scale: 44900-142400/- Level -7
Educational Qualifications:1. ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS : a) Passed Sr. Secondary Examination (Class XII) or equivalent and b) Grade 'A'(Three years) Diploma/Certificate in Nursing from recognized Institution. OR B.Sc (Nursing) from a recognised University/ Institution. 2. Registration with Indian/ State Nursing Council. 3. Practical experience of two years in Hospital/Clinic.
Desirable : Working Knowledge of Hindi/Regional Language and English. MODE OF SELECTION (a) Candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of their performance in written examination / Computer Based Test (CBT) and interview / Personal Interaction put together. The NVS reserves the right to decide the cut off marks in written examination / CBT and interview / Personal Interaction separately. The decision of the NVS about the mode of selection to the notified posts and eligibility conditions of the applicants for interview / Personal Interaction shall be final and binding. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard. However, in the case of Legal Assistant, Female Staff Nurse & Catering Assistant the selection to the post will be done on the basis of the performance of the candidates in the written examination / CBT only. For the post of Lower Division Clerk, candidates shortlisted on the basis of Written Examination / CBT will be called for Trade / Skill Test which will be of qualifying in nature only and carries no weightage. In case a candidate fails to qualify the trade / skill test, their candidature would be rejected. However, the mode of selection, whichever so, for all the notified posts will be the sole discretion of NVS and may be changed
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CANDIDATES 1. Only Indian nationals are eligible to apply. 2. The notified vacancies for the post of Assistant Commissioner, PGTs, TGTs, Miscellaneous Category of Teachers, Legal Assistant, Female Staff Nurse, Catering Assistant & Lower Division Clerk are tentative and may increase or decrease. The NVS reserves the right to fill or not to fill or partially fill any of the above vacancies without assigning any reasons whatsoever. NVS also reserves the right to cancel/restrict/modify/alter the recruitment process, if required, without assigning any further notice or assigning any reasons thereof. 3. There will be no negative marking. 4. Test Paper will be bilingual: Hindi & English. However, in case of TGTs & Miscellaneous Category Teachers, the medium of Regional Language paper will be the regional language concerned as opted by the candidate. 5. Candidates will be shortlisted for written examination / CBT based on information provided by him/her. It will be the sole responsibility of the candidate to prove his/her eligibility with respect to qualification criteria advertised by NVS. 6. Incomplete On-line application, in any manner shall be summarily rejected and no further correspondence shall be entertained. 7. No modifications are allowed once the online application form is submitted. If any discrepancies are found in the data / information filled by the candidate in online application and the original testimonials, his / her candidature is liable to be rejected. 8. Any modifications/amendments/instructions in the advertisement will be given on NVS website / designated recruitment portal only. 9. Response Query Management will be made operational on the designated recruitment portal after written examination/CBT is over for inviting comments / responses / objections, if any, from the candidates. Thereafter, objections will be referred to experts and key will be finalized by examination conducting agency for preparation of result. Objections, if any, will have to be submitted by candidates through online portal only within the specified period, objections received from other means like post, e-mail etc. will not be entertained.
Starting Date for Submission of Online Application 10 July 2019
Last Date for Submission of Online Application 25 August 2019 (Extended)
Last Date for Payment of Fee 26 August 2019
Date of Written Test/ CBT (Tentative) 5 to 10 September, 2019
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