Steel Authority of India Limited – SAIL
(A Govt. of India Enterprise) ROURKELA STEEL PLANT
Invites applications for Advanced specialized Training on Nursing
Advt No. 02/2018
Published @

Nursing Sister
Vacancies: 24
Educational Qualifications: B.Sc. (Nursing) from an institute recognized by Nursing Council of India or 10+2/Intermediate in Science with Diploma of 03 (three) years duration in General Nursing and Midwifery from a Govt. recognized institute with valid registration in Nursing Council of India / State Nursing Council and with 01 (one) year post qualification clinical experience in a hospital.(Nursing) from an institute recognized
by Nursing Council of India or 10+2/Intermediate in Science with Diploma of 03 (three) years duration in General Nursing and Midwifery from a Govt. recognized institute with valid registration in Nursing Council of India / State Nursing Council and with 01 (one) year post qualification clinical experience in a hospital.
Qualification Marks: Qualifying Marks in B.Sc. (Nursing) or Diploma in GNM: 50% for GEN/OBC candidates 40% for SC/ST/PWD/ Departmental candidates
MODE OF SELECTION: (i) Eligible candidates will be required to appear in the Written Test in Hindi / English on the appointed date. The duration of the test would be two hours. (ii) The minimum qualifying marks in the written test for unreserved posts will be determined based on 50 percentile score. For SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy Layer)/PWD candidates, the minimum qualifying marks will be 40 percentile score. The qualifying marks will be calculated separately for each post/discipline. Candidates, who qualify in the written test, will be shortlisted for skill test / trade test in order of merit, at the ratio of 1:3 for each post. (iii) Skill Test / Trade Test shall be qualifying in nature. The weightage of written test will be 100%. For final selection, merit lists of the candidates, who qualify in the Skill Test / Trade Test, will be drawn on the basis of marks secured in the written test.
APPLICATION FEE: (i) Candidates belonging to General/OBC category will be required to pay Application Fee of Rs.250/- (Rupees Two Hundred and Fifty only). Candidates will have to bear the Bank charges, if any in addition to the applicable Application fee. (ii) SC/ST/PWD/ESM/Departmental candidates are exempted from payment of Application Fee.
MODE OF PAYMENT OF FEE: State Bank of India (SBI) has been authorized to collect the application fee through SB Collect on behalf of SAIL/RSP. Candidates will be required to pay Application Fee through Net Banking or Credit / Debit Card or System generated Challan Form, after filling the required details in the online application at In case of payment through Challan Form, the SBI branches will accept the fee from 05/11/2018 to 04/12/2018 during working hours. Fee shall not be collected by any other mode. Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
During the training period, they will be paid consolidated pay of Rs.10700/- per month for the 1st year and Rs.12200/- per month for the 2nd year of training. On successful completion of training, they shall be considered for regular employment in S-3 grade in the Scale of Pay of Rs.16800-3%-24110/- (Pay scale under revision w.e.f. 01/01/2017). During the period of training, they will also get medical facility for self, spouse and dependent children, leave etc. as per rules of the company
HOW TO APPLY: Eligible and interested candidates would be required to apply online only through SAIL’s website at the link “Careers”. No other means / mode of application shall be accepted. To apply, candidates may click at the link of the post applying for and submit information online in the appropriate fields. Before registering their application on the website, candidates should ensure the following: (a) Have a valid E-mail ID and Mobile No. which should remain valid for at least one year. (b) Candidate should have latest passport size coloured photograph (.jpg or .jpeg file only upto 50 kb) as well as photograph of own signature in digital format (.jpg or .jpeg file only upto 20 kb) for uploading with the application form. (c) Candidates applying for the above posts shall upload the scan copy of Experience Certificate(s) showing relevant post
qualification experience with the online application form. (d) Candidates can opt to pay the application fee through Net Banking/ Credit Card / Debit Card or Challan Form. (e) While submitting the application online, candidates should note the following: (i) SAIL/RSP will not undertake detailed scrutiny of applications for eligibility and other aspects at the time of written examination, and therefore, the candidature is accepted provisionally. (ii) Candidates are advised to read carefully instructions for online submission of application, which will be available in the website itself. (iii) Candidate must write his/her name as it appears in the Matriculation certificate or equivalent examination. In case of change of name at a later stage, necessary documentary proof to be submitted at the time of skill test/trade test. (iv) Category (General/SC/ST/OBC/PWD/ESM) once submitted in the online application cannot be changed and no benefit of other category will be subsequently admissible. (v) Wherever CGPA/OGPA or letter grade in diploma / degree / post graduate is awarded; equivalent percentage of marks should be indicated in the online application form as per norms adopted by the University / Institute. Where no norms have been specified, the CGPA / OGPA will be presumed to have been provided on a 10 point scale. The candidates will have to produce a copy of these norms with respect to their University / Institute at the time of skill test / trade test.
(vi) Candidates appearing in the Skill Test/Trade Test would be required to furnish certificates/documents in original regarding proof of date of birth, caste/category, qualification, experience, PWD/ESM status, Registration slip, Ereceipt/Challan Form of Application Fee etc. at the time of skill test/trade test as per intimation given to the short-listed candidates.
Closing date for submitting applications: 04/12/2018
For more details click here or visit
(A Govt. of India Enterprise) ROURKELA STEEL PLANT
Invites applications for Advanced specialized Training on Nursing
Advt No. 02/2018
Published @

Nursing Sister
Vacancies: 24
Educational Qualifications: B.Sc. (Nursing) from an institute recognized by Nursing Council of India or 10+2/Intermediate in Science with Diploma of 03 (three) years duration in General Nursing and Midwifery from a Govt. recognized institute with valid registration in Nursing Council of India / State Nursing Council and with 01 (one) year post qualification clinical experience in a hospital.(Nursing) from an institute recognized
by Nursing Council of India or 10+2/Intermediate in Science with Diploma of 03 (three) years duration in General Nursing and Midwifery from a Govt. recognized institute with valid registration in Nursing Council of India / State Nursing Council and with 01 (one) year post qualification clinical experience in a hospital.
Qualification Marks: Qualifying Marks in B.Sc. (Nursing) or Diploma in GNM: 50% for GEN/OBC candidates 40% for SC/ST/PWD/ Departmental candidates
MODE OF SELECTION: (i) Eligible candidates will be required to appear in the Written Test in Hindi / English on the appointed date. The duration of the test would be two hours. (ii) The minimum qualifying marks in the written test for unreserved posts will be determined based on 50 percentile score. For SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy Layer)/PWD candidates, the minimum qualifying marks will be 40 percentile score. The qualifying marks will be calculated separately for each post/discipline. Candidates, who qualify in the written test, will be shortlisted for skill test / trade test in order of merit, at the ratio of 1:3 for each post. (iii) Skill Test / Trade Test shall be qualifying in nature. The weightage of written test will be 100%. For final selection, merit lists of the candidates, who qualify in the Skill Test / Trade Test, will be drawn on the basis of marks secured in the written test.
APPLICATION FEE: (i) Candidates belonging to General/OBC category will be required to pay Application Fee of Rs.250/- (Rupees Two Hundred and Fifty only). Candidates will have to bear the Bank charges, if any in addition to the applicable Application fee. (ii) SC/ST/PWD/ESM/Departmental candidates are exempted from payment of Application Fee.
MODE OF PAYMENT OF FEE: State Bank of India (SBI) has been authorized to collect the application fee through SB Collect on behalf of SAIL/RSP. Candidates will be required to pay Application Fee through Net Banking or Credit / Debit Card or System generated Challan Form, after filling the required details in the online application at In case of payment through Challan Form, the SBI branches will accept the fee from 05/11/2018 to 04/12/2018 during working hours. Fee shall not be collected by any other mode. Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
During the training period, they will be paid consolidated pay of Rs.10700/- per month for the 1st year and Rs.12200/- per month for the 2nd year of training. On successful completion of training, they shall be considered for regular employment in S-3 grade in the Scale of Pay of Rs.16800-3%-24110/- (Pay scale under revision w.e.f. 01/01/2017). During the period of training, they will also get medical facility for self, spouse and dependent children, leave etc. as per rules of the company
HOW TO APPLY: Eligible and interested candidates would be required to apply online only through SAIL’s website at the link “Careers”. No other means / mode of application shall be accepted. To apply, candidates may click at the link of the post applying for and submit information online in the appropriate fields. Before registering their application on the website, candidates should ensure the following: (a) Have a valid E-mail ID and Mobile No. which should remain valid for at least one year. (b) Candidate should have latest passport size coloured photograph (.jpg or .jpeg file only upto 50 kb) as well as photograph of own signature in digital format (.jpg or .jpeg file only upto 20 kb) for uploading with the application form. (c) Candidates applying for the above posts shall upload the scan copy of Experience Certificate(s) showing relevant post
qualification experience with the online application form. (d) Candidates can opt to pay the application fee through Net Banking/ Credit Card / Debit Card or Challan Form. (e) While submitting the application online, candidates should note the following: (i) SAIL/RSP will not undertake detailed scrutiny of applications for eligibility and other aspects at the time of written examination, and therefore, the candidature is accepted provisionally. (ii) Candidates are advised to read carefully instructions for online submission of application, which will be available in the website itself. (iii) Candidate must write his/her name as it appears in the Matriculation certificate or equivalent examination. In case of change of name at a later stage, necessary documentary proof to be submitted at the time of skill test/trade test. (iv) Category (General/SC/ST/OBC/PWD/ESM) once submitted in the online application cannot be changed and no benefit of other category will be subsequently admissible. (v) Wherever CGPA/OGPA or letter grade in diploma / degree / post graduate is awarded; equivalent percentage of marks should be indicated in the online application form as per norms adopted by the University / Institute. Where no norms have been specified, the CGPA / OGPA will be presumed to have been provided on a 10 point scale. The candidates will have to produce a copy of these norms with respect to their University / Institute at the time of skill test / trade test.
(vi) Candidates appearing in the Skill Test/Trade Test would be required to furnish certificates/documents in original regarding proof of date of birth, caste/category, qualification, experience, PWD/ESM status, Registration slip, Ereceipt/Challan Form of Application Fee etc. at the time of skill test/trade test as per intimation given to the short-listed candidates.
Closing date for submitting applications: 04/12/2018
For more details click here or visit