GNM/ B.Sc Nursing ANM Qualification Jobs

Gujarat State AIDS Control Society (GSACS)
Invites applications for the post of Staff Nurse;
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No. of posts;  01

Essential Qualifications: BSC Nursing OR GNM OR ANM with 3 Years Recruitment

Date - 13-07-2018 Registration

Time -11 AM

The candidate should come personal and bring their application along regional and photo copies of degree certificates, mark sheet, experience certificates, leaving certificate , and 2 pass port size photo while appearing for interview . Participants are strictly instructed to register his / her name with in time duration of 9:00 am to 10:00 am on 13/07/2018.

The candidate should come personal and bring their application along regional and photo copies of degree certificates, mark sheet, experience certificates, leaving certificate , and 2 pass port size photo while appearing for interview . Participants are strictly instructed to register his / her name with in time duration of 9:00 am to 10:00 am on 13/07/2018.

Salary: Rs.13000 per month fixed