Invites applications for the post of Nurse;


No. of Posts: 01 POST

Pay Scale:  17650-32000

Educational Qualifications:1. SSLC or equivalent examination. 2. Must possess a certificate in General Nursing awarded by an Institution recognized by Indian Nursing Council.

The filled-in applications together with necessary documents and challan/ a crossed D.D. of Rs. 400/- (For SC/ST/Cat-I/Physically disabled) and Rs. 800/-(For GM and others) as processing fees drawn in favor of the FINANCE OFFICER, KARNATAK UNIVERSITY, DHARWAD payable at K.U. Campus, Dharwad/online paid receipt should reach the REGISTRAR, KARNATAK UNIVERSITY, DHARWAD-580003, on or before 30/11/2017 by Registered Post with Acknowledgement (RPAD). Candidates may also submit their applications in person in the Inward Section and obtain acknowledgement. The applications without the payment of processing fees will not be considered.

Last date: 30/11/2017

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