No. of posts: 15
Consolidated Remuneration : ` 15,300 PM
Nature of appointment
SREE CHITRA TIRUNAL INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL SCIENCES & TECHNOLOGY THIRUVANANTHAPURAM – 695 011, INDIA. (An Institute of National Importance under Govt. of India) Phone --- (91)0471---2524437 /137/637 / 2443152 Email: Web site:
Invites applications for the post of Staff Nurses;
Published by
No. of posts: 15
Consolidated Remuneration : ` 15,300 PM
Nature of appointment : Temporary (Purely on contract basis)
Qualification & Experience(1) BSc Nursing OR „A‟ grade diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery with minimum five years experience in Clinical Nursing, out of which two years of experience in Cardiac Surgery ICU/Cardiology ICU OR (1) A‟ grade diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery (2) 2 year Diploma in Cardiac Nursing (3) Three years of experience in clinical nursing
Venue of Interview: Mini Conference Hall, 3rd Floor, AMC Building Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Medical College Campus, Trivandrum-11
Time and date of written test/Interview : 10.00 AM on 02/09/2017 . Reporting Time : 8.30 AM
Interested and qualified candidates may report for the Walk-in Interview with bio-data, original certificates and copies to prove their age, qualification, experience etc., at the Ground floor of AMC Building, SCTIMST, Medical College P.O, Thiruvananthapuram-11.
Note: (1) Depending on the number of candidates, a written test of a qualifying nature will be conducted for initial screening and only qualified candidates will be called for interview. Marks obtained in the written test, if conducted, will not be counted for final ranking. (2) Remuneration is fixed as per NRHM approval and further revision is subject to NRHM norms
For more details click here or visit
No. of posts: 15
Consolidated Remuneration : ` 15,300 PM
Nature of appointment
SREE CHITRA TIRUNAL INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL SCIENCES & TECHNOLOGY THIRUVANANTHAPURAM – 695 011, INDIA. (An Institute of National Importance under Govt. of India) Phone --- (91)0471---2524437 /137/637 / 2443152 Email: Web site:
Invites applications for the post of Staff Nurses;
Published by
No. of posts: 15
Consolidated Remuneration : ` 15,300 PM
Nature of appointment : Temporary (Purely on contract basis)
Qualification & Experience(1) BSc Nursing OR „A‟ grade diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery with minimum five years experience in Clinical Nursing, out of which two years of experience in Cardiac Surgery ICU/Cardiology ICU OR (1) A‟ grade diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery (2) 2 year Diploma in Cardiac Nursing (3) Three years of experience in clinical nursing
Venue of Interview: Mini Conference Hall, 3rd Floor, AMC Building Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Medical College Campus, Trivandrum-11
Time and date of written test/Interview : 10.00 AM on 02/09/2017 . Reporting Time : 8.30 AM
Interested and qualified candidates may report for the Walk-in Interview with bio-data, original certificates and copies to prove their age, qualification, experience etc., at the Ground floor of AMC Building, SCTIMST, Medical College P.O, Thiruvananthapuram-11.
Note: (1) Depending on the number of candidates, a written test of a qualifying nature will be conducted for initial screening and only qualified candidates will be called for interview. Marks obtained in the written test, if conducted, will not be counted for final ranking. (2) Remuneration is fixed as per NRHM approval and further revision is subject to NRHM norms
For more details click here or visit