Invites applications from from female candidates who have passed MSc (Nursing) / PBBSc (Nursing)/BSc(Nursing) for grant of Short Service Commission in the Military Nursing Service.
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No. of posts: Not Mentioned
Pay Scale: Basic Pay of Rs 15,600 + Grade Pay Rs 5,400/- + Military Service Pay- Rs 4,200/- + DA and other Allowance as per prevailing rates
Qualification & Registration: Should have passed MSc (Nursing) /PBBSc (Nursing) /BSc(Nursing) from INC recognized University and be a registered Nurse and Midwife from a State Nursing Council (The candidate will be required to bring original and self attested copies of marksheet, passing certificate and valid State Registration certificate at the time of interview).
Date of Birth - Between 10 Jul 1982 and 11 Jul 1996 (Both days inclusive).
Method of Selection:
(a) Written test : Only eligible candidates will be called for a written test to be conducted during the first/Second week of Aug 2017. The written test of 100 marks will consist of objective type questions based on Nursing, English language and Gen intelligence. There is no negative marking. The OMR based evaluation of the answer sheets will be done at IHQ of MoD(Army) and the result of successful shortlisted candidates will be declared online on the army website with the instructions for interview by Aug/Sep 2017. Confirmation of the result will be the individual responsibility of the candidates. This Office will not be responsible for informing the result individually. (b) Interview and medical examination: A required number (not more than three times of vacancies) of shortlisted candidates of the written test, in the order of merit will be called for interview during the month of Sep/Oct 2017 at Delhi. Thereafter, only the candidates who have cleared the interview will be subjected to Medical Examination.
Last date: 11/07/2017
For more details click here or visit
Invites applications from from female candidates who have passed MSc (Nursing) / PBBSc (Nursing)/BSc(Nursing) for grant of Short Service Commission in the Military Nursing Service.
Published @
No. of posts: Not Mentioned
Pay Scale: Basic Pay of Rs 15,600 + Grade Pay Rs 5,400/- + Military Service Pay- Rs 4,200/- + DA and other Allowance as per prevailing rates
Qualification & Registration: Should have passed MSc (Nursing) /PBBSc (Nursing) /BSc(Nursing) from INC recognized University and be a registered Nurse and Midwife from a State Nursing Council (The candidate will be required to bring original and self attested copies of marksheet, passing certificate and valid State Registration certificate at the time of interview).
Date of Birth - Between 10 Jul 1982 and 11 Jul 1996 (Both days inclusive).
Method of Selection:
(a) Written test : Only eligible candidates will be called for a written test to be conducted during the first/Second week of Aug 2017. The written test of 100 marks will consist of objective type questions based on Nursing, English language and Gen intelligence. There is no negative marking. The OMR based evaluation of the answer sheets will be done at IHQ of MoD(Army) and the result of successful shortlisted candidates will be declared online on the army website with the instructions for interview by Aug/Sep 2017. Confirmation of the result will be the individual responsibility of the candidates. This Office will not be responsible for informing the result individually. (b) Interview and medical examination: A required number (not more than three times of vacancies) of shortlisted candidates of the written test, in the order of merit will be called for interview during the month of Sep/Oct 2017 at Delhi. Thereafter, only the candidates who have cleared the interview will be subjected to Medical Examination.
Last date: 11/07/2017
For more details click here or visit