ESIC Recruitment june 2023


ESIC Senior Resident PG MSc Job Opportunities

Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC, Chennai)
Government of India 02/2023
Invites applications for the post of Senior Resident

Senior Resident job description:

ESIC, Chennai Recruitment 2023 aka Employees’ State Insurance Corporation inviting application for the posts of 41 Senior Resident Vacancy from PG/M.Sc. Pass candidates interested candidates may appear for Walk in Interview 14 June 2023. Please go through this article and follow for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply at official website

Post: Senior Resident

Vacancy :Anatomy 02 
Physiology  02 
Pharmacology 01 
Forensic Medicine/FMT 02 
Community Medicine 01 
Biochemistry 01  
Pathology  01  
General Medicine + ICU/MICU (Med) & ICCU (Med) 07  
TB / Chest + Pulmonary & Chest disease  01 
RICU 04 
Psychiatry  01 
Orthopaedics 02 
Otorhinolaryngology / ENT 02 
Radio Diagnosis 06 
Dentistry 01 
Emergen cy Medicine 06 
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation  01 
Total : 41

B.Sc Nursing jobs

M.Sc Nursing jobs

ESIC Recruitment june 2023

Age : 45 Years
Pay scale :Rs. 67,700/- (Level -11)

Senior Resident Qualification & experience :

Senior Resident is one who is doing his residency in the concerned department after obtaining Medical Postgraduate degree (MD/MS/DNB).  Non-medical Postgraduates with MSc (Medical) degree shall be called Tutors in whichever departments they are working.  The posts of Senior Resident and Tutor are tenure positions not exceeding 3 years. The graduate must be below 45 years of age at the time of initial appointment.

Senior Resident Selection Process :    
 walk-in interview.

B.Sc Nursing jobs

M.Sc Nursing jobs

Important Dates for Senior Resident Recruitment:  

Date of Walk in Interview 14 June 2023

Click here for official notification
