Staff Nurse Jobs DMHO-22.5K Salary

Staff Nurse Jobs DMHO-22.5K Salary

DMHO, Kurnool
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Advt No.05/2020
Invites applications for the post of Staff Nurse

Staff Nurse job description:

DMHO, Kurnool department under Government of Andhra Pradesh recruiting Staff Nurse in the month of November 2021.They are 05 Staff Nurse Vacancy.The application can submit before 20/11/2021.The minimum qualification required for the Staff Nurse  post is GNM/B.Sc.(N)  and The Selection will be based on merit.

Post :Staff Nurse

 Vacancy :05

Age :42 years

Pay scale :Rs.22,500/-

Staff Nurse Qualification & experience : 

1) GNM Course (or) B.Sc. (N) from the Institution established under Nursing Council of India Rules. 2) Must be registered in the A.P. Nursing & Midwives Council.

Staff Nurse Selection Process :    

The Selection will be based on merit.

Note : The candidates should apply through offline only. The candidate should apply for the posts in the prescribed application format only, enclosed to the notification. Applications submitted other than the prescribed format will not be accepted. All the columns in the application form must be filled. They should submit all necessary relevant certificates along with the application. Application with incomplete documents will summarily be rejected. No further correspondence will be made in this matter. The applicants can send their filled in application form with all relevant enclosures either by Registered post with acknowledgement due or in person. The applications should be sent to the office of District Medical and Health Officer, Kurnool. The last date for receipt of filled in application in O/o DM&HO, Kurnool either in person or by Registered post is 20.11.2021 by 5:00 PM. The candidate on the cover of the application, they should write invariably as Application for the post of _________________ under NHM scheme with super scribe letters.

Important Dates for Staff Nurse Recruitment:  

Last date for submission of application  20 November 2021

Click here for official notification.

GNM or B.Sc Nursing Jobs
