30000 salary Staff Nurse Jobs in Kerala
Malabar Cancer Centre
Government of Kerala
Advt. No.MCC/3118/2021-CON-IRB
Invites applications for the post of Research Nurse
Research Nurse job description:
Malabar Cancer Centre department under Government of Kerala recruiting Research Nurse in the month of September 2021.They are 03 Research Nurse Vacancy.The Interview will be conducted on 24/09/2021 .The minimum qualification required for the Research Nurse post is B.Sc Nursing / GNM and The Selection will be based on Walk-in-Interview.
Post :Research Nurse
Vacancy :03
Age :35 years
Pay scale :Rs.30,000/-
Research Nurse Qualification & experience :
B.Sc Nursing / GNM from a recognized institution/ university on regular basis.
1 year experience after BSc. Nursing / 3 years experience after GNM.
30000 salary Staff Nurse Jobs in Kerala Selection Process :
Selection will be based on Walk-in-Interview.
Note :1. Date of walk-in interview has been scheduled on 24-09-2021. No candidate entry will be allowed after 9.30 am in any condition.
2. Candidates will mark their attendance between 9.30 am to 10.30 am. Late comers will not be entertained.
3. Original documents will be verified and eligible candidates will be called for selection process. Candidates without supporting documents as per the notification will not be considered under any circumstances.
4. Candidates without copy of certificates showing age, qualification and experience will not be considered eligible for further recruitment procedures.
5. Selection will be based on qualification and experience and performance in the interview. Claims in respect of Qualifications, Experience, etc. should be supported by copies of relevant documents; Candidates should produce the original documents at the time of interview.
6. If the numbers of applications are high then a written/online test will be conducted.
7. Candidates shall pay an amount of Rs.100/- as application fee.
8. Application fee is non refundable in any circumstance.
9. Qualification, experience prescribed by MCC, should be strictly followed and applications without any of them will be rejected.
10. The Director-MCC will hold the right to reject any application without any information
Important Dates for Research Nurse Recruitment:
Date of walk-in interview 24 September 2021
Click here for official notification.
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