NRTS Data correction procedure
It is brought to the notice of those nurses who have enrolled through M/S FINO the enrolment agency for NRTS and later, on verification it is found that some of the nurse?s data particularly the scanned copies of the certificates are not clearly readable. Therefore the following procedure is worked out to get the data from those nurses only.
M/s FINO the enrolment agency will send the whats-app message from 91-9769525411 Mobile number only to those nurses whose uploaded scannedcertificates are not readable.The message will be as follows:
"Dear Sir/Madam,
I'm Ms Amitha Kumari writing this message from Fino PayTech Ltd. On behalf of INC, requesting you to please provide following scanned copies of original documents, It?s required for correction of your NRTS enrolment against SNC registration No.XXXXX.
Name of Certifiacte-1 (Document)
Name of Certifiacte-2 (Document)
Name of Certifiacte-3 (Document)
Please send documents on email ID "" only, while sending mail please don't forget to add your SNC registration number in subject line.
On receipt of the requisite documents, it will be rectified in the NRTS Software.
On rectification that NUID card and Nurse Passbook will be provided.
*Note:- Only those Nurses should send the above data who receive above message from 91-9769525411
Attention of Self Enrolled Nurses those who have not submitted properly in NRTS
NUID Attention to Nurses registered themselves
Objectives of Nurses Registration & Tracking System (NRTS)
NRTS Attention of Self Enrolled Nurses those who have not submitted properly in NRTS
For more details visit
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