Staff Nurses Recruitment- Ananthapuram

Invites applications for the post of Staff Nurse

Post :Staff Nurse

Vacancy :108

Pay Scale :Rs. 34000/-

Qualification & experience :Must have qualified GNM diploma or B.Sc Nursing Degree. Candidates must have registered with General Nursing Midwifery Council

Note : The filled in application forms shall be submitted in person /registered post duly enclosing the following certificates with self-attestation, at O/o Principal, Govt. Medical College, Ananthapuramu from 16.07.2020 to 31.07.2020 during all working days (10:30 AM to 05:00 PM). The filled in applications without signature of the candidate or without any of the following certificates will be summarily rejected without further notice.

Starting Date for Submission Of Application  16 July 2020

Last Date for Submission Of Application  31 July 2020

Click here for official notification 
