Staff Nurse jobs- Govt General Hospital

Govt General Hospital, Ananthapuramu
Invites applications for the post of Staff Nurse

Post :Staff Nurse

Vacancy :483

Pay scale :Rs 34000/-

Qualification & experience : Must have qualified GNM diploma or B.Sc Nursing Degree. Candidates must have registered with General Nursing Midwifery Council

Note : Adhoc appointments will be conducted on 1st come 1st serve basis. The appointments are made on purely temporarily basis for six months and no rule of reservations for roaster points followed. Decision of the interview committee will be final. The appointed individuals are expected to join immediately to the Nodal Officer concerned. Original certificates with one set of Xerox copies are to be submitted to this office and will be return back only at the time of resignation or termination whichever is the earliest. The term of service may be increased in case of emergency which will be intimated to the individual in due course. Individuals are required to arrange for their own accommodation however working accommodation will be provided during the work hours.

Starting Date for Submission of  Application 28 July 2020

Last Date for Submission of Online Application 07 August 2020

Click here for official notification 
