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1. The nurse is assessing a patient with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) who is experiencing increasing discomfort. Which patient statement indicates that additional patient education about GERD is needed?

a. "I take antacids between meals and at bedtime each night."
b. "I quit smoking several years ago, but I still chew a lot of gum."
c. "I sleep with the head of the bed elevated on 4-inch blocks."
d. "I eat small meals throughout the day and have a bedtime snack.

Answer: d. "I eat small meals throughout the day and have a bedtime snack.

(GERD is exacerbated by eating late at night, and the nurse should plan to teach the patient to avoid eating at bedtime. The other patient actions are appropriate to control symptoms of GERD.)

2. Which of the following is considered as the most important aspect of hand washing?
A. Soap
B. Water
C. Friction
D. Time

Answer: C. Friction

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