All India Institute of Medical Sciences Raipur (Chhattisgarh)
G. E. Road, Tatibandh,
Raipur-492 099 (CG)
AIIMS-RPR/Admin/Rec./AIIMS-NGP/2018/0330, Date: 24-09-2018
invites application for the post Staff Nurse
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Post Name : Staff Nurse/Nursing Officer Grade II
No of Vacancy : 16 (UR-09, OBC-04, SC-02, ST-01) Including 01 Post(s) of Persons with Disabilities (PwD)-OL
Pay Scale :Pay Band-2 (Rs.9300-34800/- with Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/-) (Level 7 of the Pay Matrix as per the Seventh Pay Commission, GoI)
Educational Qualification :
Essential Qualification: 1. (i) B.Sc. (Hons.) Nursing/B.Sc. Nursing from an Indian Nursing Council recognized Institute or University OR B.Sc. (Post Certificate)/Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing from and Indian Nursing Council recognized Institute or University. (ii) Should be registered as Nurses and Midwife with the Indian Nursing Council/State Nursing Council 2. (i) Diploma in General Nursing Midwifery from an Indian Nursing Council recognized Institution/ University (ii) Should be registered as Nurses and Midwife with the Indian Nursing Council/State Nursing Council (iii) Two years experience in minimum 50 bedded Hospital after acquiring the educational qualification mentioned above Desirable: Ability to use computers - Hands on experience in office applications, spread sheets and presentations.
Age Limit: Between 21-30 years (As on closing date of application)
NOTE-I: 1. Age and all other qualifications (Educational and Experience) will be counted as on the last date of receipt of application. 2. The above vacancies are provisional and subject to variation. The Director, AIIMS, Raipur reserves the right to vary the vacancies including reserved vacancies as per the Govt. of India rules/circulars and requirements. 3. The reservation for ST/SC/OBC & PwD candidates is as per Central Govt. rules.
Job Location : Rishikesh
AIIMS Rishikesh Selection Process : Selection will be based on Written Test / Skill Test / Interview
APPLICATION FEE AND MODE OF PAYMENT: 1. For General/OBC/Ex-Serviceman Candidates : Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only) 2. For Women/SC/ST/Person with Disabilities (PwD): Exempted Application fee is required to be remitted online only. Any other instrument of payment is not acceptable. Please make sure to correctly mention the Transaction number, Date/Time and Bank of which remittance is made in your application form for reconciliation. Also make sure to get the confirmation of the successful remittance by your bank and retain the proof of the same which may be required at the time of interview. The Application fee is non-refundable.
The Crucial Date for determining the possession of ‘AGE AND ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION (EQs) /EXPERIENCE’ will be the closing date for filling up Registration Part/Application part of the application i.e. 12-10-2018
VERIFICATION OF DOCUMENTS: No verification of documents will be carried out before the Computer Based Test (CBT), therefore candidates are advised that before applying for the post they should satisfy themselves regarding their eligibility for the aforesaid post. Candidates who are declared qualified in the CBT will be called for verification of documents the schedule of which will be intimated in due course. At the time of document verification, candidate will be required to bring (in original) all relevant Certificates/Documents issued by the competent authority, along with self-attested legible copies in support of the information given in their Application Forms about their Educational Qualification; Experience; Percentage of Marks obtained; Proof of Age; Proof of Category [SC/ST/OBC/PH (PWD)/ESX] etc. along with the print out of Application Form
Last Date for Submission of Online Application : 12/10/2018
If you need any technical support during filling the online form send email at please mention your Application ID & Post applied in the Subject line of your e-mail, or call on 0771- 2971109.
AIIMS-RPR/Admin/Rec./AIIMS-NGP/2018/0330, Date: 24-09-2018
invites application for the post Staff Nurse
Published by

No of Vacancy : 16 (UR-09, OBC-04, SC-02, ST-01) Including 01 Post(s) of Persons with Disabilities (PwD)-OL
Pay Scale :Pay Band-2 (Rs.9300-34800/- with Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/-) (Level 7 of the Pay Matrix as per the Seventh Pay Commission, GoI)
Educational Qualification :
Essential Qualification: 1. (i) B.Sc. (Hons.) Nursing/B.Sc. Nursing from an Indian Nursing Council recognized Institute or University OR B.Sc. (Post Certificate)/Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing from and Indian Nursing Council recognized Institute or University. (ii) Should be registered as Nurses and Midwife with the Indian Nursing Council/State Nursing Council 2. (i) Diploma in General Nursing Midwifery from an Indian Nursing Council recognized Institution/ University (ii) Should be registered as Nurses and Midwife with the Indian Nursing Council/State Nursing Council (iii) Two years experience in minimum 50 bedded Hospital after acquiring the educational qualification mentioned above Desirable: Ability to use computers - Hands on experience in office applications, spread sheets and presentations.
Age Limit: Between 21-30 years (As on closing date of application)
NOTE-I: 1. Age and all other qualifications (Educational and Experience) will be counted as on the last date of receipt of application. 2. The above vacancies are provisional and subject to variation. The Director, AIIMS, Raipur reserves the right to vary the vacancies including reserved vacancies as per the Govt. of India rules/circulars and requirements. 3. The reservation for ST/SC/OBC & PwD candidates is as per Central Govt. rules.
Job Location : Rishikesh
AIIMS Rishikesh Selection Process : Selection will be based on Written Test / Skill Test / Interview
APPLICATION FEE AND MODE OF PAYMENT: 1. For General/OBC/Ex-Serviceman Candidates : Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only) 2. For Women/SC/ST/Person with Disabilities (PwD): Exempted Application fee is required to be remitted online only. Any other instrument of payment is not acceptable. Please make sure to correctly mention the Transaction number, Date/Time and Bank of which remittance is made in your application form for reconciliation. Also make sure to get the confirmation of the successful remittance by your bank and retain the proof of the same which may be required at the time of interview. The Application fee is non-refundable.
The Crucial Date for determining the possession of ‘AGE AND ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION (EQs) /EXPERIENCE’ will be the closing date for filling up Registration Part/Application part of the application i.e. 12-10-2018
VERIFICATION OF DOCUMENTS: No verification of documents will be carried out before the Computer Based Test (CBT), therefore candidates are advised that before applying for the post they should satisfy themselves regarding their eligibility for the aforesaid post. Candidates who are declared qualified in the CBT will be called for verification of documents the schedule of which will be intimated in due course. At the time of document verification, candidate will be required to bring (in original) all relevant Certificates/Documents issued by the competent authority, along with self-attested legible copies in support of the information given in their Application Forms about their Educational Qualification; Experience; Percentage of Marks obtained; Proof of Age; Proof of Category [SC/ST/OBC/PH (PWD)/ESX] etc. along with the print out of Application Form
Last Date for Submission of Online Application : 12/10/2018
If you need any technical support during filling the online form send email at please mention your Application ID & Post applied in the Subject line of your e-mail, or call on 0771- 2971109.
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