Staff Nurse Jobs in Kerala

National Health Mission, Malappuram
Invites applications for the post of Staff Nurse;
Published @


Education Qualification: Candidate should have done the Bachelor Degree in Nursing from any Govt Institutions.

How to Apply:  Interested candidates reaching the eligibility criteria may need to apply for the post by following the instructions listed below:  Candidates are requested to send the application in a prescribed format with complete Bio data along with the latest photograph, attested copy of all the documents/certificates to support the institution in qualification & experience.  Unsigned documents submitted without meeting the necessary needs as
specified will not be considered.  Candidates must send their testimonials before the due date.  Exceeding the current date given by the authority will not be permitted under any circumstances.  Candidates should take up their own expenses, No TA/DA shall be payable for appearing in the interview.  Enclose the application in the prescribed format and mention the position which the candidate want to designate, should be sealed and super scribes as “Application for the posts of…..  To  The NHM Office, Arogyakeralam, Malappuram, Kerala.

Last date for receipt of application: 07.05.2018 up to 4.00 PM

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