Central Government Health Scheme
Applications are invited for filling up Staff Nurse/ Nursing Officer postsPublished by www.nursingwork.in
Nursing officer (Staff Nurse) Grade I
No. of Posts: 03(UR)
Pay scale: Rs.9300-34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4600/- + other allowances as admissible.
1. 10+2 or its equivalent.
2. Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery from a recognized institution.
3. Registered Nurse and Registered Mid'Wife.
4. ln lieu of Midwifery, a six months duration course as prescribed by Indian
Nursing Council (for Male Nurse)
5. Desirable: One year experience in Midwifery, or one year experience in
General Nursing
Age Limit: 21-35 years
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for Group C Posts through ONLINE mode. This Online registration is available from 01/09/2017 to 21/09/2017.
After submitting online form, modifying the already entered data is NOT allowed. Those who do not enter correct data, may submit a FRESH application with correct data and send the latest application form by post.
Photograph and Signature of the applicant are to be affixed in the duly filled in, downloaded application form, generated after the successful completion of the data entry.
Application Fees for UR/OBC candidates is to be paid by way of Demand draft for Rs.100/- taken in favour of "Pay & Accounts Officer, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Chennai". No fees for SC/ST/Physically Challenged candidates.
Hard copies of the self attested documents as mentioned against each post (by clicking the name of the post shown on the right side of the screen) and the Demand Draft are to be attached (as per notification) with the duly filled in, downloaded application form and to be sent by post to
Office of the Additional Director
Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS)
E-2-C, Rajaji Bhavan
Besant Nagar
Chennai – 600090
latest by 13/10/2017 (up to 5 P.M).
The shortlisted applications of candidates will be called for the examination. The date of examination will be informed to the candidates.
TA/DA as per provisions of the Government of India will be provided to SC/ST candidates for appearing the examination.
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for Group C Posts through ONLINE mode. This Online registration is available from 01/09/2017 to 05/10/2017. (Corrigendum)
After submitting online form, modifying the already entered data is NOT allowed. Those who do not enter correct data, may submit a FRESH application with correct data and send the latest application form by post.
Photograph and Signature of the applicant are to be affixed in the duly filled in, downloaded application form, generated after the successful completion of the data entry.
Application Fees for UR/OBC candidates is to be paid by way of Demand draft for Rs.100/- taken in favour of "Pay & Accounts Officer, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Chennai". No fees for SC/ST/Physically Challenged candidates.
Hard copies of the self attested documents as mentioned against each post (by clicking the name of the post shown on the right side of the screen) and the Demand Draft are to be attached (as per notification) with the duly filled in, downloaded application form and to be sent by post to
Office of the Additional Director
Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS)
E-2-C, Rajaji Bhavan
Besant Nagar
Chennai – 600090
latest by 13/10/2017 (up to 5 P.M).
The shortlisted applications of candidates will be called for the examination. The date of examination will be informed to the candidates.
TA/DA as per provisions of the Government of India will be provided to SC/ST candidates for appearing the examination.
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for Group C Posts through ONLINE mode. This Online registration is available from 01/09/2017 to 05/10/2017. (Corrigendum)
For more details click here or visit http://cghschennai.tn.nic.in