Multiple Choice Nursing Exam Questions with Answer 2024
Multiple Choice Nursing Exam Questions with Answer Q. No. 1-10.
1. Which is the largest organ of the body -
(A) Liver
(B) Brain
(C) Kidney
(D) Skin
2. The body of adult person weighs 60 Kgs,
then total body fluid in him is -
(A) 54 Kgs
(B) 48 Kgs
(C) 38 Kgs
(D) 28 Kgs
3. The example of ECF is -
(B) Blood
(C) Interstitial fluid
(D) All of these
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4. The correct order of layers of epidermis from outer to inner side is -
(A) Corneum -lucidum -granulosum -germinative
(B) Corneum -granulosum -lucidum - germinative
(C) Germinative- granulosum-corneumlucidum
(D) germinative-Corneum -lucidum -granulosum
5. The cell from which human body develops is known as -
(A) Overy
(B) Ovum
(C) Zygote
(D) Sperm
6. The epithelial tissue found lining the unrinary bladder is -
(A) Sqamous
(B) Columnar
(C) Ciliated
(D) Transitional
7. The epithelial tissue found in uterine tubes is -
(A) Sqamous
(B) Columnar
(C) Ciliated
(D) Transitional
8. The endocrine gland, which controls the functions of other endocrine glands is -
(A) Adrenal
(B) Pancreas
(C) Pituitary
(D) Thyroid
9. The bone is not forming the boundary of
the cranial cavity -
(A) Parietal
(B) Sphenoid
(C) Mandibular
(D) Temporal
10. The substance involved in inflamatory
reactions is -
(A) Renin
(B) Histamine
(C) Heparin
(D) Thyroxine
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