221 Male and Female Nursing Officers Recruitment 44900-142400 Pay Scale
Banaras Hindu University (BHU)
Government of Uttar Pradesh
Invites applications for the post of Nursing Officer
Nursing Officer:
Fe Male Nursing Officer: 176
Male Nursing Officer: 45
Total Vacancies: 221
Pay scale : 44900 (44900-1,42,400)
Other Nursing jobsB.Sc Nursing jobs
M.Sc Nursing jobs
Complete Recruitment Details- BHU
Banaras Hindu University (BHU)Government of Uttar PradeshInvites applications for the post of Nursing Officer
Nursing Officer:
Fe Male Nursing Officer: 176
Male Nursing Officer: 45
Total Vacancies: 221
Pay scale : 44900 (44900-1,42,400)
Selection Process :
The Selection will be based on the Interview.
Qualification & experience :
E.Q.: I (i) B.Sc. (Hons.) in (Nursing)/ Regular course in B.Sc. Nursing from a recognized University or Institute. OR Post Basic B.Sc. (Nursing) from recognized University or Institute. (ii) Registered as Nurse or Nurse and Midwife (RN or RN and RM) with State Nursing Council, and (iii) one year experience in minimum fifty bedded registered hospital after acquiring the educational qualifications mentioned above. OR II (i) Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery from a recognized Board or Council. (ii) Registered as Nurse or Nurse and Midwife (RN or RN and RM) with State Nursing Council. (iii) Two years of experience in minimum fifty bedded registered hospital after acquiring the educational qualifications mentioned at II (i) above. Age Limit: 30 years
Selection Process :
The Selection will be based on Interview.
General Instructions to the Candidates
1. Online mode of submission of application form shall be essential followed by submission of downloaded hard copy with all
2. Applicants shall first register on the Recruitment & Assessment Cell portal on the BHU website, after which, they can fill up
the prescribed electronic application form online.
3. Separate applications shall be submitted for different positions.
4. Digital passport size photograph and signature in JPEG format not exceeding 50 kb each in file size will be required for uploading while filling the online application.
5. Incomplete applications will not be considered and will be REJECTED.
6. While filling the online application, if the browser closes unexpectedly or if the candidate is logged out, the login
information sent to the email to login again may be used.
7. In case of any technical problems faced while filling online application, please send an email to recruitment@bhu.ac.in .
8. There are several tabs in the application. After filling all tabs, the candidate can finally submit his/her application. Please note
that no change can be made after final submission of application form. So before submission please ensure that all the
entries made in the online application form are correct.
9. After successful submission, the candidates will be directed to the payment gateway for online payment of application fee, if
10. For drawing equivalence of pay level for applicants from institutions other than Govt. organizations, the gross monthly
emoluments drawn by the applicant should not be less than the initial basic salary of concerned pay level.
11. Shortlisting criteria for the posts of Deputy Librarian and Assistant Librarian is attached as Annexure-I.
12. For Group ‘A’ positions, the University may conduct a written test for short-listing of candidates. Further
interaction/presentation may also be conducted, if required, for further short-listing. The candidates finally short-listed will be
called for interview.
13. For Group ‘B’ positions, the University shall conduct a written test. Further, Skill test shall also be conducted for the candidates
short-listed from the written test.
14. For the post of Nursing Officer (Male) only male candidate who fulfills the eligibility criteria may apply, similarly for the post of
Nursing Officer (Female) only female candidate who fulfills the eligibility criteria may apply. However, in case of transgender
candidates. They may apply against any of the post.
15. Short listed candidates for each post will be called for verification of the original documents.
16. Mere eligibility will not entitle any candidate for being called for the interview.
17. The University may verify the antecedents or documents submitted by a candidate at any time of appointment or during
the tenure of the service. In case, it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidate are found fake or the
candidate has furnished any false information or has suppressed any information, then his/her service shall be terminated.
18. The University reserves the right to withdraw any advertised post(s) at any time without giving any reason. Any
consequential vacancy arising at the time of selection may also be filled up from the available candidates. The University may,
at its discretion, fill up any future vacancy out of available candidates. The number of posts is thus open to change. The
University may also draw a panel out of the available candidates to fill up any future vacancy during the validity of the panel.
The University may relax/review the qualification/ experience and age limit at its discretion at any stage in case of candidates
with exceptional merit.
19. All the positions advertised may be filled through direct recruitment or through deputation at sole discretion of the University.
In case of appointment on deputation basis, standard terms & condition of deputation of Government of India will be applied.
20. The application for appointment on deputation shall be forwarded by the employer along with the Annual Performance
Appraisal Reports (APARs)/ACR for the preceding five years and Vigilance Clearance Certificate, duly certified by the
Competent Authority.
21. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection which may be detected at any stage even after the issue of
appointment letter, the University reserves the right to modify/withdraw/cancel any communication made to the candidate.
22. In case of any dispute/ambiguity that may occur in the process of selection, the decision of the University shall be final.
23. Applicants who are in employment should route their application through proper channel or should submit a "No Objection
Certificate" from the employer prior to the interview/selection process, failing which they may not be considered further.
24. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
25. No interim correspondence shall be entertained.
26. If a suitable candidate in the advertised category of specially-abled person is not available, then the post may be filled with
other identified categories of specially-abled candidates available to the extent of the required number of their reserved posts.
27. Age relaxation and Concession:(i) Reservation, relaxations and concessions for SC/ST/OBC/PwBDs candidates will be
applicable in accordance with reservation policy of the Govt. of India.(ii) Period spent on working against any post in the
project/scheme or on contract/daily wage basis in BHU including broken period of service rendered as indicated above may
also be taken into account for the purpose of age relaxation for appointment to the posts in Group-A & Group ‘B’ in regular
establishment provided that one stretch of such service is for more than six months. (iii) No age bar for permanent employees
of the BHU for Group-B posts only. (iv) Age relaxation to Ex-Servicemen shall be applicable as per GoI rules.
28. The eligibility of the candidate will be determined as on the last date of submission of application in the Recruitment &
Assessment Cell, Holkar House, BHU, Varanasi, i.e., 22.01.2024
29. Please visit our website: www.bhu.ac.in/rac/non-teaching for application form, details of qualifications and other instructions
in this regard.
30. The applications are invited through online mode. The downloaded application form along with the enclosures must be sent
to the Office of the Registrar, Recruitment & Assessment Cell, Holkar House, BHU, Varanasi -221005 (U.P.) on or before
B.Sc Nursing jobs
M.Sc Nursing jobs
Important Dates for Recruitment:
Last Date for Online submission of Application form and Application Fee payment: 22 January 2024 upto 5:00 p.m.
Important Dates for Recruitment:
Last date for submission of downloaded application form along with the enclosures: 27 January 2024 upto 5.00 p.m.
Important Links
Click here for Apply Online
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