Nursing jobs- 47,600 -78,800 Salary Per month

Invites applications for the post of Chief Nursing Officer and Public Health Nursing Officer

Chief Nursing Officer:
No. of Vacancies: 01
Pay Scale: – PB-3, Rs.15600-39100 + Grade Pay Rs.7600/-. Now revised under 7th CPC as Pay Matrix Level-12 Rs.78,800-2,09,200 at the minimum of the pay level of Rs.78,800/-.

Public Health Nursing Officer

No. of Vacancies: 02
PB-2, Rs.9300-34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4800/-. Now revised under 7th CPC as Pay Matrix Level-8 Rs.47,600-1,51,100 at the minimum of the pay level of Rs.47,600/-.

Educational Qualifications:
For Chief Nursing Officer: i) M.Sc. Nursing from a recognized Institutions. ii) Registered ‘A’ grade nurse and midwife. Experience:- Not less than 15 years experience as Asstt. Nursing Supdt. or 10 years of service as Dy. Nursing Supdt. or 5 years of service as Nursing Supdt. in a large Institution of reputes or in similar capacity in Nursing administration.

For Public Health Nursing Officer : Essential:- B.Sc. Nursing with 2 years experience as S/Nurse in teaching hospital. Desirable:- Training or experience in family welfare programme. Work experience or teaching in rural area.

The written examination (in English language only) would be of 1½ hours (90 minutes) duration and will consist of 85 marks. There will be 85 multiple choice objective type questions. Each question will be of 1 mark. There will be negative marking to the extent of 0.25 marks per question for a wrong response. During these One and Half hours the candidates will be required to undergo biometrics test so as to check any impersonation in the examination.

The candidates willing to apply may visit the Institute website for detailed information viz., application form/fee, age, pay scale, eligibility, qualification and experience etc. The application form will be available on PGI website from _14.02.2018 to _13.03.2018 (11.59 PM). The number of posts are subject to variation.

The last date of receipt of online application/updation of challan receipt is _15TH_MARCH 2018.

Click here for Qualification and other details

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